I miss my friends

I recently wrote a post on a Facebook page, that I haven’t visited for a very long time!…

So, I used to come here a lot. A day wouldn’t go by without me posting!
So grateful to this page and every one involved for helping me through my tough times!

I had to cut out such a lot of social media because it is far to tiring for me. My fatigue is so hard to handle and social media is top of the list for making it worse!

Trouble is, I feel as though I’ve totally isolated myself because of it and by complete accident!

Going from someone who has such a lot of friends to someone that never hears from them is so hard!

This isn’t a pitty plea and I don’t even know if I should post this or not, but if I’m right, this is a safe space?

I feel so alone, in a world where there are so many people, I feel alone!
I have a beautiful wife, and carers that come every day to help me/us and I still feel alone.

I know how lucky I am, because I do see people. But if I didnt pay for them, how much contact would I have from people other than my wife who I love dearly!

Does anyone else feel like this?

The blogger that can’t write, the artist that can’t create & the Pilates advocate that can’t practice


This is where I am now but I can’t walk well and definitely show the pain!

I’m quiet because it hurts. Everywhere hurts so much, it’s a pain like no other and nothing stops it completely.
My mood is the lowest it has been in a long time, it’s expected when I’m struggling to manage my pain.

Normally I would be using exercise to help with my pain but I’m having to take some time off that.
I started to experience funny sensations in my feet which, over 2 weeks have crept up both of my legs.
Around the same time this happened I found my legs were getting weaker, I have now adapted my walking ‘gait’ to suit how my legs feel. My feet are now wider apart for stability & my legs although weak are also a lot like I imagine wooden legs to be, stiff!

So after speaking with my Neurological Physiotherapist I have been advised not to exercise at the gym & no pilates classes for a while.
It’s time to give my body a rest & not make it harder for it to recover. It seems more & more likely that this is a relapse!
Like my Big Sistaaah of the MegaSpecial variety says: just when we get our lives back on track our MS flares up & reminds us it’s still there!

The 'Foot ups'
The ‘Foot ups’

I have to wear my ‘foot ups’ full time now as well, even in doors! They help me to lift my toes when I walk, this problem that I am having is called ‘Dropped foot’

Foot drop

Foot drop, or dropped foot, is a symptom experienced by some people with multiple sclerosis. It is caused by weakness in the ankle that means the foot drags along the ground or hangs down when walking. People with MS with foot drop are more vulnerable to tripping and falling. Walking also uses more energy and people may alter their gait to compensate, commonly lifting their leg higher.

Foot drop can be treated using functional electrical stimulation (FES). This uses small electrical charges to force the foot into a more natural position for walking. An ankle splint (orthosis) can also be used to hold the foot in a rigid position.

These are the days that are the longest! I can’t exercise, blogging is extremely hard as I’m lacking concentration & can’t do my art without falling asleep!
It’s a good job my artwork is digital otherwise I’d be waking up with paint all over my face! Instead I just wake up with ‘qwerty’ across my forehead!

I’m the blogger that can’t write, the artist that can’t create & the Pilates advocate that can’t practice.

*It has taken me literally all day to do this short blog!*


Where there’s a will… | MS Trust Blog | MS Trust


Feeling rather proud of myself right now & what better day than on my 5 year anniversary for this to arrive! (11th August)

My piece in the MS Trusts publication “where there’s a will”


This is the article I hope to be in ‘The Telegraph’ next month, that’s if the newspaper decide to promote ‘remember a charity in your will week’ now that would be something special!

What an amazing day yesterday was!



Sponsor me & team #BAM4MSUK

Hello to my lovely followers of this little blog!

Next Saturday myself & 8 incredible friends will be getting ready to run, walk, push, hop, skip or jump The Color Run in Birmingham (UK)

This year I am fundraising for a wonder charity called MS-UK
As I’m sure your aware I have MS!
I was confirmed my diagnosis on the 11th August 2010 so to celebrate *yes celebrate* my 5 years I wanted to do something different whilst also raising money for a wonderful charity & raise awareness of this debilitating disease!

In 2011 myself & my partner organised a sponsored firewalk so this should be a walk in the park, quite literally for 5k with the added bonus of being covered in paint every 1 kilometre! Sounds very messy to me! If you know me properly you’ll know that I don’t like mess but I do like a challenge!

Do you think you could dig deep & help us reach our target of £250
Follow the link below or if u live in the UK just text BAMM55 £5 to 70070
Sponsor us

Thank you 😄
love you forever ❤

