I miss my friends

I recently wrote a post on a Facebook page, that I haven’t visited for a very long time!…

So, I used to come here a lot. A day wouldn’t go by without me posting!
So grateful to this page and every one involved for helping me through my tough times!

I had to cut out such a lot of social media because it is far to tiring for me. My fatigue is so hard to handle and social media is top of the list for making it worse!

Trouble is, I feel as though I’ve totally isolated myself because of it and by complete accident!

Going from someone who has such a lot of friends to someone that never hears from them is so hard!

This isn’t a pitty plea and I don’t even know if I should post this or not, but if I’m right, this is a safe space?

I feel so alone, in a world where there are so many people, I feel alone!
I have a beautiful wife, and carers that come every day to help me/us and I still feel alone.

I know how lucky I am, because I do see people. But if I didnt pay for them, how much contact would I have from people other than my wife who I love dearly!

Does anyone else feel like this?

It’s been a long time, but Satan’s smarties are back!

I can’t remember the last time I was able to do my Pilates or Yoga!
Fight Club, the Gym & Weights #bodypump are a distant memory!

Aquafit & the occasional Yoga class is helping to keep my muscles moving

All the things I never thought about, then started to, then never stopped thinking about! I was there, at every class! A day not complete without queuing to get to our favourite spots in the class. Sweat dripping down our faces, as we did the unthinkable

And now, weeks go by without, months even with only the occasional gentle yoga class!

Daily meditation is definitely the key to me staying mentally healthy!

Its been a long time, but I feel a blog post coming during the next week or two!

Truth… MS Fatigue is kicking my ass!
MS you can try, but I know some little blue pills that are going to kick back harder!

Laughter not tears

Didn’t want to go out, but I had to! 

Was comfy in my pyjamas, but had to go to the chemist.
I made the effort, I had a wash, got dressed, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, attempted to put socks & shoes on, just about managed! 
Drove past the chemist, open, good! 

Parked the car, stumbled out of car, walked around the corner…….
Oh how I laughed! 

And returned an hour later! 


I love my body because….

Day 4 of Mel Wells ‘self love week’ 

Today we had to finish this: “I love my body because…”

There was a time in my life when I ‘thought’ I loved my body. 

Recently I uncovered that what I thought was loving my body, was actually denying it the care and respect she truly deserved! 
In reality, I liked being the size that I was. That was it! I didn’t listen to my body!

⏩ Fast forward 8 years, a diagnosis of MS (Multiple sclerosis) & Fibromyalgia. 

🚢>β™Ώ Then the transition from the love of walking/hiking to adopting walking sticks, crutches, a wheelchair & the funkiest mobility scooter ever! And everything has changed, for the better!… I am happier now than I thought possible!

πŸ’š I was so lucky at the end of last year, continuing this year, to be a case study for my friend & yoga teacher Louise Aviles whilst she studied for her Health coaching qualification. (find Louise on Instagram: @louiseavilesyoga)

During this time, I learnt what loving my body really means! I learnt that having a thin waist, and being a size 10 isn’t actually the ONLY reasons to love your body! 

When I questioned my habits that I had when I was 6 dress sizes smaller, they definitely weren’t those that someone would have if they truly loved their amazing body

So… Why do I love my body? Haven’t you paid attention? She’s amazing! 

Everything that I’ve put her through! I haven’t been the kindest to her over the 36 years we’ve been together! 
She’s been starved, I’ve force fed her, self harmed, pushed her beyond capability, ignored her when she’s been screaming at me & she’s given me nothing but unconditional love in return!
She has enough to deal with because of how my MS affects her, so I learned new behaviours, new habits. And now I do my best to show her daily how much I love her! 

All the areas that I used to be negative about on a daily basis, I now focus on telling her why I love them!
πŸ’ͺ – My shoulders: they’re strong & able to help carry my body using crutches when my legs are to tired.
πŸ™† – My upper arms: they have the strength to enable me to enjoy different exercises

πŸ™ – My wrists: they’re strong for my Yoga & Pilates practice

πŸ‘± – My beautiful face: its unique to me!
πŸ‘™ – My chest: its where the most loyal part of me lives, my heart!

πŸ™‹ – My skin: keeps me together, stretch’s, twists & turns when needed!

πŸ˜† – My smile: it always tells the truth!

γ€° – My stretch marks: they are the marks of my amazing and beautiful journey of my life!


Thank you for reading this part of my wonderful journey! 
Love yourself for everything that you are, never for what someone thinks you should be! πŸ™

You are not only your body or only your reflection!Β 

Always! And if that’s too hard, don’t find another mirror, just stop looking!

You are not your reflection! You are so much more than anyone else can and will ever see!

You are your soul, your spirit, your smile, your heart, your warmth, your love, your charm, and much much more!

You are not only your body or only your reflection! 


Meme shared via pinterest, words are my own

Stay in the now.

Always doing my best to stay positive, in any situation. 

Moving on to our final destination during our French holiday, can be seen as a sad time. But I would rather reflect on the NOW, and what today has to offer. 

This world always has beauty to offer just around the corner. Don’t stay stagnant in the past, or wish life away thinking about the future. 

Stay in the now πŸ’šπŸ™πŸ’š

Meme shared via pinterest, words are my own

26th July 2017 Oxygen Therapy #16

The intensive Oxygen therapy course I started on June 20th 2017 is finally finished! 
I attended my last intensive session today & I’m so proud of myself! 16 sessions of oxygen, driving myself there and back, making sure I’m there on time & only missing one session – I got the time wrong! Overcoming not only my anxiety of new places & people – also driving to places I am unfamiliar with – and overcoming the anxiety of being locked in a small metal tank! 
Dang, I did sooooo good! I feel like a new woman just from beating all that anxiety! And that’s before I tell you how the oxygen has helped my MS and my Fibromyalgia! 

Ill talk more about how it has helped me in my next blog!

First I want to thank every single one of you that donated money towards my oxygen mask! 

This really is going to make sitting in the oxygen chamber much more comfortable for me!

Styled in the video below! And for reference, I didn’t do my usual & discombobulate the mask, watch the video, it will make sense! 

The mask is fine! All pieces are there as should be! No mask was harmed in the unscrewing of pipes after my oxygen session today! πŸ™ˆ
In fact, the mask is better than fine! Its perfect & fits every time I wear it! I know I only collected it today, I have however, tried it on several times! Would you expect any different from me! πŸ˜‚
As always, questions & comments are welcome! 

Vix ❀

Photo is my own
Massive thanks to all that donated to help me get my own mask!

Pipes screw on either side of the mask. One side Oxygen in & other side air out

Pipes screw on either side of the mask. One side Oxygen in & other side air out

25th July 2017 Oxygen Therapy #15

Wow! Nearly nearly nearly done it! 

Number 15 of 16 intensive oxygen therapy sessions was today! I’ve so got this! Quite look forward to it now if I’m honest! I think its the ‘me’ time I look forward to, and it’s lovely to be able to get out and see different like minded people!

I had a chat with one of the ladies who is there having oxygen therapy for cancer. She is absolutely incredible! Totally inspiring! Infact, she was talking to me today, about how she has changed her diet to help her feel better! 
I explained to her that I had just bought a book, called ‘The Wahls Protocol’ all about how changing your diet can help MS symptoms! 

This is my next book to read! And I finished my current book today, so what good timing was that! πŸ‘
When I go for my session tomorrow, I shall be purchasing my new mask! 

Thanks to everyone who very generously donated to my ‘Go fund me’ page. Not only am I able to buy my own mask, I will also donate the reminding money to Mercia MS Therapy Centre, the fundraising manager has said that for every Β£45 raised I can have one treatment, whether it be for Oxygen Therapy or any from below…
Well done to Kerrie-Ann today for getting fitting of my mask perfect today! Gold star! ⭐

Treatments offered at Mercia MS Therapy Centre, Coventry, UK

Photo taken from outside Mercia MS Therapy Centre, Coventry, UK

Me after session 15 Oxygen Therapy

Love yourself, all of yourself!Β 

If someone loves you for ALL that you are, why shouldn’t you love ALL of yourself! 

We are made to believe that we should all look and behave a certain way, to be accepted in society. 

I have never been one to follow the crowd, or to be put in a box.

Yet for so many years, since the very young age of around 10 or 11 (when I started developing my extra parts that define me as a lady, my #babylons and child bearing #hips πŸ˜‰πŸ‘™) I was always made to feel like I was fat, my shoulders were too broad, my hips too wide & my #booty too big! 

It was children the same age as me that went to the same school, they were the ones doing the name calling! 

It has taken me until the age of 36 to realise how I have, for so many years, spoken to my body in such a cruel way! I have spoken to her the same as all the children that called me fat at school! How sad is that! 


My body has for those 36 years treated me, with nothing but care and dignity! She’s showed up for me every time I’ve needed her, despite how badly I may have treated her at times! She’s always been there, curves and all! 


They’re amazing thing these bodies of ours! Lets start treating them better! Stop speaking badly of yours next time you look in the mirror. Speak to her how you would to your most beautiful friend! 


Meme shared via Pinterest, write up is my own, Vix